We are happy to announce I SAW SOMETHING STRANGE, an exhibition by Brandon Joel Fernandes, as a result of his activity during his stay at Studio Kura.
Fernandes is a Concept Artist / Illustrator from India, based in Dubai. He has always loved comics, animation and video games, and got his Bachelor of Arts from Middlesex University (UK). He recently graduated from 3dsense Media School in Singapore, where he got a WSQ diploma in digital illustration. It was there that he was selected for the 3dsense-Kura Artistic Residency Award.
Here are some words from the artist himself.
I saw something strange, was it in my head or did I really see it? Sometimes illusions become real only when you want them to. I must be in another dimension.
Exhibitions by other current artists will be also held. Please visit Studio Kura to check exciting shows!
Brandon Joel Fernandes I SAW SOMETHING STRANGE: 奇妙なものを見ました
Date: October 24 (Saturday) to October 26 (Monday), 11:00 to 19:00, free entrance
* We will hold an opening party on Saturday the 24th, starting at 15:00.
* Talk tour will be held from 14:00 on Sunday the 25th.
One thought on “Announcing Brandon Joel Fernandes’s Exhibition “I SAW SOMETHING STRANGE””
After seeing some strange things……its time for Brandon to leave this place beautiful place Fukuoka and he is very sad….Bon voyage…safe journey…Brandon…back to where you belong…l know you going to miss the beauty of this place…da lovely friendly people and da best food. Thank you ‘Studio Kura’…for making his stay so special.. fruitful…and pleasant.