Announcing: Marsha McDonald’s Workshop


Hi! This is Ale.
But not the one on the picture! That’s Marsha McDonald, an artist from the USA based in Wisconsin who works across the fields of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, film, and writing.

We are planning Marsha’s exhibition for October 25, and she will be giving a workshop on the same day.

Sunprint samples Sunprint samples
Sunprint samples Sunprint samples

Marsha McDonald’s Workshop

In this workshop, we will make sun prints. Sunprints are a kind of cyanotype, a blue photographic process invented by the astronomer Sir John Hershel and used by one of the first woman photographers, Anna Atkins, in 1843. Blue and white prints are made by placing flat or nearly flat objects, like seeds and feathers, on paper or cloth, then exposing this special paper or cloth to light for 5 to 25 minutes, depending on the strength of the sunlight or indoor light. The material is then washed in water and dried. These prints are safe for supervised children, but the workshop welcomes and encourages all ages to participate. After this workshop, the prints will be exhibited as part of an installation in Studio Kura’s gallery by visiting artist for October, Marsha McDonald (USA). The artist will be present for the workshop and exhibition.

The artist will make an installation from the sun prints and other objects, inspired by lungta and intended as a special meditation on nature and creative collaboration.

Place: Studio Kura
Target: Kids to adults
Time: October 25, 2014; 14:00
Participation fee: ¥1,500
You’re expected to bring: Nothing
Teacher: Marsha McDonald (Profile)

Please contact us if you would like to attend!

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