We are happy to announce an exhibition by Lauren Britton, in which she will show work she did during her residence at Studio Kura.
Lauren Britton is a painter who is currently based in New Haven, CT. Lauren makes paintings and drawings that use celebration as a way to make a non-aggressive statement about a queer experience in a larger community. Lauren is ½ of the curatorial team for Improvised Showboat with Zachary Keeting. Improvised Showboat is a series of roving one night, studio based exhibitions. Lauren’s recent exhibitions include To Crown the Rainbow at Southern Connecticut State University, Scrape, Cut, Smear at Weeknights Gallery, An Army of Lovers at the Echo Art Fair, and Chronicle at Scott Charmin Gallery.
Lauren Britton
Exhibition “Physical Sun”.Celebration is central to my work. In the drawings presented in Physical Sun, I
have anchored the rainbow to the sun. I think of the rainbow as a signifier of queerness and a symbol of the energy that is apparent to me in the queer community I am a part of in the United States. The sun is a cross-cultural symbol of energy and power. Depicted in many art historical and cultural traditions in the work The Sun by Edvard Munch is revered as are Japanese traditions like the Order of the Rising Sun and the nick name of Japan “The Land of the Rising Sun”. By uniting the rainbow and the sun in these drawings I am allowing my work to call for energy and attention to be brought to a queer experience.Through celebrating queerness in my work I am making a non-aggressive statement and asserting a queer presence in a larger community. Instead of being upset about the disadvantaged cultural place of queer people, I am celebrating the difference of our bodies and our experiences with my work.
We would be very happy to meet you at the opening party on Saturday!
Physical Sun
Lauren Britton
Date: January 10 to 11, 11:00 to 19:00, free entrance
* We will hold an opening party on Saturday the 10th, starting at 15:00
Organized by: Studio Kura
Place: Studio Kura
Contact: info@studiokura.com