We are happy to announce Collection of Brain Slices , an exhibition by Park Hyun Ji, as a result of her activity during her stay at Studio Kura.
Park Hyun Ji is a visual media artist [Brand: 켡(Kyun)], an art therapist and an art educator in South Korea.
She graduated her Postgraduate of Art Therapy, Art and Design in 2016 at Konkuk University and holds her Bachelor of Cartoon Animation at Kongju National University.
She is specialised in illustration, animation, and visual representation of a variety of media art.
Park draws the brain as the brain functions resemble our society. Cells of the brain is a work of the next dead cells, and the brain cells are connected. This ideas makes her comfortable, and she draws pictures. The presence of all moving creatures is expressed in a moving picture; animation.
Here are some words from the artist herself.
In the meantime, I have lived in different environments and circumstances, from the senses adaptation process, particularly focused on the visual senses.
Artist-켡(Kyun) shares about the world seen. The exhibition shows a visual collect the debris of the brain.
Artwork in brain symbolises that all of us are significant and related to each other that is why we all need to be united.
I hope to communicate through the exhibits. Each other people will artwork (and participate) through the dialogue and exchange.
Park Hyun Ji [켡 Kyun ] ”Collection of Brain Slices”
Date: March 26 (Saturday), 27 (Sunday), 11:00 to 19:00, free entrance
* We will hold an opening party and an artist talk on Saturday the 26th, starting at 15:30.
* Exhibitions by other 3 artists(Kate Gorrie, Bushra Burge, Amjad Akash) will be held during the same exhibition period.