Marina H.S Pu (Taiwan) Residency: May, 2015
She is a filmmaker and University Lecturer based in Taipei and London.
While her stay, she would like to make a make documentary with young people, who is under 25 years old, listening to their voices. And then, She make the comparison within the cultures between European/Catholic and Oriental/ Asia ,discussing this social phenomena and consequences.
Due to the social news with Taiwanese society and UK society where she stay, there are more and more teenager crimes and social issues, which is related with political and global trend. However, new generations have the different ideas to present to their government and parents and school teachers in Asia and Europe.
Under the globalizations and new era, as an artist /Documentary filmmaker and film/tv scholar, we can’t say’ no’ to the fast-dramatic changes at this time, without thinking or discussions. At this stage, it’s worth to observe the different concept sand perceptions for the young people among Asia and Europe, making the culture comparison through film.
You can watch her previous works as below.