Kostas Papakostas (英国/ギリシャ) and Stephanie Pochet (フランス/ インドネシア) 2019年12月滞在
Kostas Papakostas コスタス・パパコスタス (英国/ギリシャ)
Kostas Papakostas コスタス・パパコスタスは、1976年にギリシャのアテネで生まれました。2000年に美術の名誉学位を取得し卒業後、彼はビデオ、ライブアート、インタラクティブな新しいメディアインスタレーション、絵画、彫刻に取り組んでいます。
His work primarily examines the human condition, challenging notions of social and interpersonal connections through the prisms of temporality and collective-reflection. It has been shown in several art festivals and exhibitions including: MTAC2001, California, USA; The Place, London, UK; IKON Gallery, Birmingham, UK; Moving Pictures Festival, Toronto, Canada; SK Foundation, Cologne, Germany and Minimalen festival, Trodheim, Norway; 6th International Video Poetry Festival, Athens, Greece; SeeMeOn 29, Sofia, Bulgaria, nOva Art Space, Sofia, Bulgaria and Les Rencontres, Arles, France.
In addition to his artistic practice, Kostas is an award-winning creative director. His London based design and art direction studio, Superjungle (2001-2011) has created global campaigns for Sony PlayStation, Apple, MTV, the BVLGARI and the BBC amongst others.
He lives and works in London, UK.
Stephanie Pochet ステファニー・ポーシェ (フランス/ インドネシア)
Stephanie Pochet ステファニー・ポーシェは、1981年にホノルルで生まれ、フランス人とインドネシア人の両親の間に生まれたドキュメンタリー映像作家です。2001年にロンドンに移り、ゴールドスミス大学でメディア、コミュニケーション、社会学を学びました。大学での時間は、彼女の批判的思考スキルを形成する上で重要な役割を果たし、今日まで彼女の実践を伝え続けています。
In her films and photography, she endeavours to capture fragments of intimacy, beauty in the ordinary…the minutiae of life. Her approach and research methods place a strong emphasis on immersion and exchange; every encounter is transformational, every film is a shared moment.
For the past ten years, she has been working as a professional producer director specialised in the arts, collaborating with clients such as Christie’s, Tate, Yinka Shonibare Studio and Blain Southern Gallery. The residency at Studio Kura will be an opportunity to step away from her commercial work and explore new forms of expression and inquire into other ways of knowing and understanding. She is particularly interested in exploring the idea of liminality: “moments of coming into being, in the space of the not yet and the already.” Clarice Lispector, Água Viva 1973.