Allison Kovar

Allison Kovar アリソン・コーヴァー (米国) 2019年9月

Allison Kovar アリソン・コーヴァーは、多くの異なる国々に暮らしながら制作活動を展開する学際的なアーティストです。十代後半よりダンサーであり創作家であった彼女は、美術学校に行くことも、ギャラリーで作品を発表することもありませんでした。自身の体やあらゆる物を真の芸術として見つめ、作品制作に取り入れています。

Formally trained in 2 semesters of design school before moving away from her practice for several years, her focus is on unconventional paths. Paths are not followed, not paved by anyone else. Not predetermined. They are yours. Most people do not know that they hold such power and she hopes to show them.

After a comfortable upbringing in Texas, she lived in Prague and then Australia. In Texas she met a stranger and in Prague they became close friends. In Australia they became family. She is excited to see how her relationship with mother nature will develop while in Japan. She plans to create with mostly found objects, embroidery thread, photography, words and choreography.

– website:




