Liz Howeは、アメリカのニューイングランド地方に住み、アートを教えながら、多分野にわたるスタジオ活動を行っています。彼女はバーモント、ニューヨーク、マサチューセッツの間を頻繁に移動しています。リズの彫刻や絵画は、自然の風景と人工物の質感や表面の対比を探求しています。彼女の作品は、日常の物と自然の景色(地平線、丘、川、岩)を組み合わせ、特定の場所への深い愛着と敬意を示しながらも、移動の多い忙しい生活を反映しています。
Liz lives, teaches art, and maintains an active multi-disciplinary studio practice in the New England region of the US traveling regularly between Vermont, New York, and Massechucets. Liz’s sculpture and painting explores the intersections of interior and exterior landscapes referencing and contrasting textures and surfaces of the earth with manufactured objects. Through direct observation and material experimentation the work weaves together everyday objects with untouched horizons, hills, rivers, and rocks exploring an interest in the constancy of deep connection and reverence for a specific place upon the earth while simultaneously living a very mobile, fast-paced lifestyle.
“To inquire into the intricacies of a distant landscape, then, is to provoke thoughts about one’s own interior landscape, and the familiar landscapes of memory. The land urges us to come around to an understanding of ourselves.”
– Barry Lopez