November 21, 2016Exhibitions, Studio Kura AiR Announcing Joanna Vymeris’s Exhibition “Between these threads of time” We are happy to announce Between these threads of time by Joanna Vymeris, as a result of her activity during her stay […]
November 17, 2016November 17, 2016Studio Kura AiR Welcome to Residence House 3 Hi! This is Ale. You may or may not noticed that we have had more residence slots for a couple weeks. This […]
November 17, 2016Exhibitions, Studio Kura AiR Announcing Silas Thomas Parry’s Exhibition “100 Yen Paradox” We are happy to announce 100 Yen Paradox by Silas Thomas Parry, as a result of his activity during his stay at […]
November 17, 2016November 17, 2016Performance, Studio Kura AiR Announcing Guillaume Cousson’s Performance “Sword combined with magic technique.” We are happy to announce Sword combined with magic technique. by Guillaume Cousson, as a result of his activity during his stay […]
November 17, 2016November 17, 2016Studio Kura AiR, Workshops Announcing Guillaume Cousson aka RIUCHI presenting a Magic Workshop on Nov 27 (Sun) We are happy to announce a French contemporary circus performer presenting a magic workshop on Nov 27 (Sun). Guillaume Cousson is a […]
November 10, 2016Studio Kura AiR Feel Free to Use Our Stone Oven! Hi! This Ale. For years, we’ve had a stone oven in an open air location. We recently built a structure around it […]
November 9, 2016November 12, 2016Studio Kura AiR Announcing Haryo Hutomo Mohamad’s Exhibition and Symposium this weekend on Nov 12(Sat), 13(Sun) We are happy to announce an exhibition with a symposium by Haryo Hutomo Mohamad, as a result of his activity during his […]