Colleen Kwok

Colleen Kwok コリーン・クワーク(米国) 2019年12月滞在

Colleen Kwok コリーン・クワークは、中国本土と香港で育った映像作家および写真家です。 中国名はTungShuenで、子供時代のメロディーを意味します。ウィスコンシン大学ミルウォーキー校で映画とビデオの学士号を取得、実験的な映画制作に専念し、ニューヨーク大学ティシュにて執筆・監督を学び修士号を取得しました。卒業後、13か国で撮影を行い、現在はニューヨーク市に在住しています。

Rectangibles, a short film about the obsolescent of Kodachrome film that she wrote and directed, premiered at Edinburgh International Film Festival and released in Japan on Docomo TV in 2015. She recently finished filming season 2 of After Forever, a web series that won 5 Daytime Emmy Awards for its first season which Colleen lensed.

As a filmmaker, she makes stories about the erosion of time and the relation between art &life. But instead of the rather foreign tone to approach art, her works are told through humor, organic interactions and intimate portraits of everyday lives. She aims to do few projects during her residency, which one of them involves with casting local youth for a short film taken place at Itoshima.

– ウェブサイト:

1_Gutter Rhapsody_Kwok


