Simone Darcy

Simone Darcy シモン・ダーシー (オーストラリア) 2019年9月滞在

Simone Darcy シモン・ダーシーはオーストラリアのニューカッスル出身の学際的アーティストです。ファブリックと写真を融合したコラージュや組み合わせの表現方法を探求し、抽象化と象徴主義のスタイルを用いて、文化、家庭、エロティシズムに関するアイデアに着目した制作を行っています。

Simone currently works as a visual arts & photography teacher at the Hunter School of the Performing Arts and previously as a lecturer in Photomedia at The University of Newcastle. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) from The University of Newcastle. She has been a finalist in The National Portrait Prize; HeadOn Portrait Prize at the Australian Centre of Photography; The New York Photo Prize; The Josephine Ulrick & Win Schubert Photographic Prize; Gaffa Experimental Photography Prize and Melbourne Photobook Image Award. Other notable exhibitions include Point Light at Reykjavik Museum of Photography Iceland; Light Objects – Photography in the Expanded Field at Perth Centre of Photography and The Bus Stop Project at Maitland Regional Art Gallery.

At Studio Kura Simone will continue her focus on the material means by which photographic based artworks communicate and exist in the world.

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