Benoit Aupoixはパリを拠点とするフランスのイラストレーター兼アートディレクターです。カーン美術学校を卒業して以来、彼はLouis Vuitton、Vacheron-Constantin、BMWといったクライアントのための商業イラストレーターとして活動してきました。
Studio Kuraでのレジデンス期間中、Benoitは個人作品と実験のための期間となることを期待しています。

Benoit Aupoix is a french illustrator and art director based in Paris. Since graduated from the fine art school of Caen he has been working as a commercial illustrator for clients such as Louis Vuitton, Vacheron-Constantin and BMW.
The elegance of his compositions combined with his taste for details and acute sense of angles embark the viewer in a special experience of immersion. His work has been seen on advertising campaign, animations, books and magazines cover.
During his residency in Studio Kura, Benoit expects to give a space for personal work and experimentation.