Gabrielle Rameriz

Gabrielle Ramerizはマサチューセッツ州ボストン出身の水彩画家です。彼女の作品は、聖人の肖像画につきものの宗教的献身的な感情を、花の絵に反映させることに重点を置いています。ハーバード・エクステンション・スクールで宗教学の修士号を取得中で、学業が絵画のインスピレーションになることもしばしばです。


Gabrielle Rameriz is a watercolor artist from Boston, Massachusetts. Her work focuses on attributing the feelings of religious devotion that usually accompany portraits of saints into depictions of florals. Gabrielle is completing a masters in religious studies from Harvard Extension School, and often uses her academic work to inspire her paintings.

At Studio Kura, Gabrielle aims to integrate the iconography of the Japanese countryside and shrines into those floral-focused paintings. She hopes to use this time to make something memorable.