Nora Terwilligerは、オレゴン州チャールストンに在住する版画家であり、生物学の名誉教授です。彼女は2008年に国際自然印刷協会(NPS)に参加し、オレゴン大学海洋生物学研究所でのNPS年次ワークショップに出席しました。そこで彼女は研究室と教育の場を提供していました。オレゴン大学、ウィスコンシン大学、バーモント大学からそれぞれ生物学の博士号、修士号、学士号を取得したノラは、生物の形態と機能への関心を芸術表現と結びつける準備が整っていました。それ以来、NPSのワークショップに生徒および教師として参加し、NPS理事会でも活動しています。
Nora Terwilliger
Artist’s Statement:
A small fishing village on the eastern edge of the Pacific Ocean has been my home
for many years. Looking west, I see both sun and moon set into the ocean, out
beyond the north and south jetties that frame the entrance to Coos Bay, Oregon.
Tides set my activities, nature surrounds me always, biology and art are
intertwined. Pattern and color, form and function lured me into exploring the world
as a marine biologist and an artist. I am as intrigued by the sinuous swimming of a
marine polychaete worm as by its intricate aggregates of red blood, two-tiered
hexagonal arrays that circulate and transport oxygen through its body. Form and
function evolve together in living organisms, and figuring out how they work to
support life intrigues me. Simultaneously I wish to capture the iridescent shimmers
of movement and the intricacies of plant and animal form on paper or cloth to
share with others. Climate change threatens our living planet. I feel I can best help
rally the world population to act now by calling attention to the beauty and wonder
of nature through my art.
Nora Terwilliger is a printmaker and Professor Emerita of Biology located in
Charleston, Oregon. She joined the international Nature Printing Society in 2008,
when they held their annual weeklong workshop at the University of Oregon’s
Institute of Marine Biology, site of Nora’s research lab and teaching. With a PhD,
an MS, and a BS in Biology from the Universities of Oregon, Wisconsin, and
Vermont, she was ready to combine her interests in biological form and function
with artistic expression. She has participated in NPS Workshops, both as student
and teacher, and served on the NPS Board ever since then. She primarily works
with Gyotaku, a form of fish printing that originated in Japan in the 1800s, to print
all sorts of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial animals and plants, including fish
and algae.
She recently spent a week studying printing with Master Gyotaku Artist Mineo
Yamamoto in Higashimatsuyama, Japan. She is currently participating as an Artist
in Residence at Studio Kura in Itoshima, Kyushu, Japan. Discovering the diverse
and abundant organisms in the coastal waters near Studio Kura and documenting
them, in the company of other artists in residence, is a fulfilling way to call
attention to the beauty of nature and art. You can find her at