Fawzia Muradali Kane

Fawzia Muradali Kane(ファウジア・ムラダリ・ケイン)は建築家で詩人です。


彼女のデビュー詩集『Tantie Diablesse』(ウォータールー・プレス、2011年)は、Bocas Lit Fest賞の詩部門のロングリストに選ばれました。2014年には、長編詩『Houses of the Dead』がThamesis Publicationsよりイラスト入りのパンフレットとして刊行されました。また、トリニダード・クレオール語で書かれた詩『Eric』が、今年のNational Poetry Competitionでトップ3に入賞しました。彼女の詩集『Guaracara』は、2025年6月にCarcanet Pressから出版される予定です。


今回のStudio Kuraのレジデンスでは、私たちの思考や記憶が持つ儚い美しさを、現実の世界の中で表現する作品を制作する予定です。テキスト、静止画、映像を融合させた「Honey Tasting Notes」プロジェクトの延長として、糸島の農村風景とそこに暮らす人々との関係性を調査・表現します。

Fawzia Muradali Kane is an architect and poet.
Born in San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago, she came to the UK on a scholarship to study architecture. She is now based in London and is a director of KMK Architects with Mike Kane.
Her debut poetry collection Tantie Diablesse (Waterloo Press 2011) was longlisted in the poetry section for the Bocas Lit Fest prize. In 2014, Thamesis Publications produced her long sequence Houses of the Dead as an illustrated pamphlet. Her poem ‘Eric’ written in Trini Creole was one of the top three prizewinners in this year’s National Poetry Competition. Her poetry collection Guaracara will be published by Carcanet Press in June 2025.
Her creative writing explores the traces of human lives in our urban and ‘natural’ landscapes, and how the small ‘unimportant’ details of our lived experiences add up to a greater whole- even after those lives have passed on. Recently, her work recalled her childhood memories growing up in an oil refinery small town in south Trinidad, which became the basis of her next poetry collection ‘Guaracara’.
For this Studio Kura residency, she intends to produce work that reflects the transient beauty of our thoughts and memories experienced in our tangible worlds. Following on from her ‘Honey Tasting Notes’ project which uses hybrid forms of text with still images and film, she will examine the local farming landscapes of Itoshima, and its relationship to the people who inhabit it.

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