We are pleased to announce an exhibition I could be anywhere by Xuewei Loy on June 24 (Sat) and 25 (Sun), as a result of her activity during her stay at Studio Kura.
Xuewei Loy is from Singapore and is currently based in London where she works as a lawyer. She read law at Oxford University (St Anne’s College, 2009-2013), and is admitted to the Roll of Solicitors of England and Wales.
She is a self-taught painter and photographer.
Her painting 万丈高楼平地起 was shortlisted for the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of London.
Xuewei grew up in Singapore. Since leaving her home country 8 years ago she has lived and worked in the United Kingdom, France, China and Germany.
Here are some words from the artist herself.
Xuewei Loy’s exhibition “I could be anywhere” is on the theme of 一人暮らし(hitorigurashi, or ‘living alone’). Centred on the constant sense of displacement that comes with moving to different cities for work, the exhibition focuses on the common threads that connect her experiences of living alone and working in different cities in different countries since leaving her home country of Singapore for her university studies 8 years ago.
Xuewei Loy “I could be anywhere: 独り暮らしなら、どこでも同じ。”
Date: June 24 (Saturday) and 25 (Sunday), 11:00 to 18:00, free entrance
* We will hold an exhibition party and an artist talk on Saturday the 24th, starting at 15:00.
* The exhibitions by other current residence artists, will be also held on the same dates.