Announcing Prasanta Kumar Kolay’s Exhibition “INTERPRETATIONS. A PERSONAL VIEW OF ITOSHIMA.”

We are pleased to announce an exhibition INTERPRETATIONS. A PERSONAL VIEW OF ITOSHIMA. by Prasanta Kumar Kolay on April 21 (Sat) & 22 (Sun), as a result of his activity during his stay at Studio Kura.

Prasanta Kumar Kolay works in Drawing and Painting.

* Qualification :
– 5 Years national diploma from Govt. college of Art and Craft, Drawing and Painting department securing 1st class 1st in 1984.
– Short term Chinese language course from Beijing language and cultural university.

* Award/exhibition :
Received 18 awards (state, national ,international) including the prestigious awards the commonwealth foundation fellowship.

* Artist statement or work concept : WATERCOLOUR IMPRESSION
My style of painting is impression. I want to paint subject matter before me in my simplified way. Most of my paintings were started and finished out in the open with speed and confidence.

Here are some words from the artist himself.

My work is about nature and my interpretation of it. I work ‘en plain air’ and observe the beauty and the eternal elements of the natural world which i strive to capture in my work. I seek out nature ‘s hidden rhythms.

Exhibition style: Watercolor painting
Date: April 21(Saturday), 22(Sunday), 11:00 to 18:00, free entrance
* We will hold an exhibition opening party and an artist talk on 22nd (Sun), starting at 15:30.
* The exhibitions by other current residence artists will be also held on the same dates.

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