“The Third Place” by Ellie Lauritsen

Studio Kuraでは、オーストラリア出身のアーティストEllie Lauritsenによる滞在制作発表「第三の場所」展を開催します!





At Studio Kura, we are hosting a residency presentation exhibition by Australian artist Ellie Lauritsen, titled “The Third Place”! We will be displaying photographs created by Ellie Lauritsen during her residency.

Admission is free.
Exhibition dates: March 25th (Saturday) and 26th (Sunday), from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm (On the 25th (Saturday) at 2:30 pm, there will be an artist talk.)
Please take this opportunity to visit!

In her photographic practice, Ellie Lauritsen adopts an anthropological approach, focusing on the interaction between architecture and humans within the spaces where we live, work, and play. She is interested in exploring how these interactions shape culture and values.

The Third Place is a concept penned by sociologist Ray Oldenburg. ‘Third places’ are public areas seperate from the home (the first place) and workplace (the second place). Third places host regular and informal gatherings and are said to be at the heart of community vitality.

During my six weeks in Japan, I have been examining and documenting ‘third places’ such as corner stores, post offices and barber shops to understand how the design and aesthetic presentation of and within these spaces reflects Japanese cultural values.

Through my work I hope to shed light on the importance of considered urban planning and its impact on the social and economic wellbeing of the people that live within them.
#EllieLauritsen #StudioKura #ResidencyExhibition #Photography #Anthropology #TheThirdPlace #UrbanPlanning #JapaneseCulture #Community #Architecture #RayOldenburg “artistinresidence

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