Katharina Eisenberg
instagram kunstundklartext
facebook https://www.facebook.com/kunstundklartext
Katharina Eisenberg (also known as: Kunst und Klartext) is a contemporary artist from
Germany. Concerned with the abilities of the human mind, her works reflect about
psychological and global issues, mirroring the qualities and specifics of the time and
sphere we live in.
She makes multiparted series – acrylic paintings and 3D installations with diverse
materials, for example fabrics, upcycling and clay modelled elements.
In her coulourful works she also often uses symbols, which talk to the subconscious.
Currently expanding her global network to get to know the meta-level of various forms of
beings. This is a great inspiration for her, leading to multilayered answers and finer artistic
In Itoshima, she will create a multi-part installation about Japanese life wisdom – such as
the Ikigai principle – and their impact on modernity.