Rubyの作品は、日本の文化、ストリートファッション、自然、日常生活、コミックアート、ポップサレアリズムに大きく影響を受けています。2020年には、アートレッスンのためのスタジオをオープンし、彼女のイラストとデザインを特徴とするブランド「Blank Story」を立ち上げ、商品やファッションアパレルに取り組みました。
Rubyの目標は、自らの子供の絵本やグラフィックノベルを出版することで、Studio Kuraでの時間を楽しみにしており、彼女のキャラクターやストーリーテリングに多くのインスピレーションをもたらしてくれると期待しています。

Ruby is a multidisciplinary artist from Elk Grove, California specializing in illustration, design, performing arts and art education. She was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and raised in Northern California. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art from California State University of Sacramento with a focus on drawing and painting. She also studied in the certificate program for fashion illustration and is currently enrolled in the Children’s Book Illustration Program at UC San Diego.
Ruby’s works are heavily inspired by Japanese culture, street fashion, nature, daily life, comic art and Pop Surrealism. In 2020, she opened her studio for art lessons and created her brand Blank Story, featuring her illustrations and designs on merchandise and fashion apparel.
Ruby’s goal is to publish her own children’s books and graphic novels and looks forward to her time at Studio Kura as she expects it will give her much inspiration for her characters and storytelling.