南アフリカ在住のアーティスト、Jo(通称MoJo)はケープタウンの母の都市で生まれ育ち、30年前にヨハネスブルクに移住しました。彼女は画家、イラストレーター、そしてかつてSt John’s Pre-Preparatoryで教鞭をとっていたアート教師です。MoJoは、液体アクリルの絵画、木炭のドローイング、イラスト、混合メディアに特化しています。
彼女は全ての日本文化に対する愛情からStudio Kuraに足を運びました。滞在制作でのプロジェクトは、「肖像画」の一連の作品を作ることです。これは、南アフリカの部族、ンデベレのパターンとシンボルと、日本の着物のパターンとシンボルを織り交ぜ、文化的な交流を祝い、Ubuntuを注入するものです。
Jo aka MoJo
South African-based Artist, Jo (aka MoJo) was born and raised in The Mother City, Cape Town before moving to Johannesburg 30 years ago. She is a painter, illustrator and art teacher, formally at St John’s Pre-Preparatory. MoJo specializes in liquid acrylic paintings, charcoal drawings, illustrations and mixed media.
She loves South Africa. From the melting pot of diverse cultural to the beautiful landscapes, it pulses with life, excitement and Ubuntu. The word Ubuntu comes from the Zulu and Xhosa languages and translates roughly as “I am because you are”. The raw energy and bustle of her country have influenced her direction and growth as an artist and you can inevitably see a flavor of Africa in her final product. She plays with colour, pattern and tone in her works.
Her love for all things Japanese lead her to Studio Kura. Her project for her time in residency is to create a series of ‘portraits’, weaving South African tribal Ndebele patterns and symbols with Japanese kimono patterns and symbols to create a cultural exchange, celebrating diversity and infusing Ubuntu.
On the side, she loves creating quirky illustrations of animals dressed up in traditional clothing and, of course, JoJo the rabbit, who was created to go with her on her adventures in Japan. She hopes to bring her Africa to Japan and take home Japan as she experienced it.