Angela Langは、旅行記や意識の実験に情熱を注ぐバイリンガルの作家兼文学アーティストです。彼女は「ニューヨーク・タイムズ」社のスペイン語デジタルプロジェクトや「メレディス・コープ」と「オーラ・USA」のライフスタイル雑誌で編集者および共同制作者として活動してきました。作家としては、コロンビア版バニティ・フェアである「レビスタ・ダイナーズ」の米国特派員を務め、ブルックリン・レール、ゲルニカ・マガジン、パノラマ、フォーダーズ、メトロなど、いくつかの出版物に寄稿しています。彼女はボゴタ出身で、半遊牧民、半フラヌールとして、4つの大陸と6つの国に住んできました。旅行していないときは、ニューヨーク市を拠点にしています。

“As a syncretic, spiritually curious, bilingual mestiza, I am fascinated by how we build trust (in others and in our own perceptions) and by the timings of chance encounters with objects, places, and beings, especially those instances of serendipity when we choose curiosity over fear. In my artistic practice, I explore how we build the idea of foreign and portable in a hyperconnected world, and how women and people-of-color who travel create inspiration for a broad spectrum of sustainable and resourceful connections, sparks beyond self-discovery or romance. I like to think of myself as a protopian believer, an avid Transcendental meditator and a dance lover.”
Angela Lang is a bilingual writer and literary artists passionate about travel narratives and consciousness experiments. She has been an editor and co-creator in Spanish language digital projects at The New York Times Company and lifestyle magazines at Meredith Corp. and Hola! USA. As a writer, she was the US correspondent of Revista Diners, the Colombian Vanity Fair, and had contributed to several publications such as The Brooklyn Rail, Guernica Magazine, Panorama, Fodor’s, and Metro. She was born in Bogota. Half-nomad, half-flâneuse, she has lived in four continents and six countries. When she is not on the road, she calls New York City home.