彼女がオリエンタル考古学の学士号を取得した後、Gerda Knocheはシュトゥットガルトとエルサレムでビジュアルシアターと人形劇を学びました。

Studio Kuraで、Gerdaは能面のクラシックなカノンを探求し、それをシットコムキャラクターのコメディックで日常的な側面と融合させます。彼女は特に、非常に異なる2つの神社、マンケイブと能の舞台の不条理な関係に興味を持っています。彼女の滞在中、彼女はさまざまな素材と技術を使用して、いくつかのマスクを作成します。
After her Bachelor’s degree in Oriental Archaeology, Gerda Knoche studied Visual Theatre and Puppetry in Stuttgart and Jerusalem.
In her work, she researches the performative potential of digital and analogue media in puppet theatre and thus combines elements of documentary theatre with visual theatre. Her partly biographical performances move between humorous analysis of everyday life and poetic in-between worlds, in which she searches for new forms of participation and intimacy on stage.
As a performer she has worked with various artists, collectives and film makers in Germany, Hungary, Cyprus, the Netherlands and France.
In Studio Kura, Gerda will explore the classic canon of Noh masks, merging them with the comedic and everyday aspects of sitcom characters. She is particularly interested in the absurd relation of two very differnt kind of shrines: man caves and Noh stages. During her residency, she will build several masks, using different materials and techniques.