Rachel Warwick

Rachel (@r.w.warwick)は、空間表現、コミュニケーションの境界、対応関係を探究するアーティストです。彼らの作品は、時間、場所、そして朽ちゆくという概念を中心に展開しており、主に写真やビデオなどの視覚メディアを使って、アーティスト出版物やインスタレーションの形で表現されています。


Meet Rachel (@r.w.warwick), an artist who focuses on exploring spatial representation, communication boundaries, and correspondence. Their work revolves around concepts of time, place, and decay, which they express through artist publications and installations, primarily using visual media like photography and videos.

In the coming weeks, Rachel intends to work in their studio, creating soundscapes by layering field recordings of the local area through analog audio effects. Their goal is to enhance their practice around time, place, and erasure by developing an auditory experience.

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