Zhong Xian(1993年生まれ)は、台湾の台北を拠点とするアニメーションディレクター/アニメーターです。
彼女の作品はAnnecy、Ottawa、New Chitose、Animestなどの多くの国際的な映画祭で上映されています。
Zhong Xian(b.1993) is an animation director/ animator based in Taipei, Taiwan.
Graduated from the Royal College of Arts, her animations are drawn on paper with crayons, acrylic paints and color pencils. Using simple materials, she creates a poetic world with a wild, naive and surreal style.
Her films have screened at numerous international festivals including Annecy, Ottawa, New Chitose, Animest and others.
Her favourite colour is green, her childhood dream was to be a comedian.