フィロ・オウウェレン(1992年生まれ)は、オランダのアムステルダム出身のビジュアルアーティスト兼日本研究家です。日本研究家としては、現在、Hotei Japanese Printsで日本の木版画を専門に扱っています。彼女は『新版画:日本の新しい版画 1900-1960』(2022年)の共著者です。 彼女のビジュアルスタイルは、マンガ、アニメ、日本の木版画にインスパイアされた大胆な(外)輪郭と平面性が特徴です。彼女は自分の作品を具象的で、カラフルで、ビジュアルストーリーテリングとして描写しています。フィロの作品は、絵画とドローイングの交差点に位置しています。
Philo Ouweleen (1992) is a visual artist and Japanologist from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. As a Japanologist she is currently employed at Hotei Japanese Prints, specializing in Japanese woodblock prints. She is co-author of the book Shin Hanga: The New Prints of Japan 1900-1960 (2022).
Her visual style is characterized by its bold (out)lines and flatness, inspired by manga, anime and Japanese woodblock prints. She describes her work as figurative, colourful and as visual storytelling. Philo’s work is at the intersection of painting and drawing.
Philo works on paper with mixed media, mainly: gouache, watercolour, Japanese markers and (colour)pencils. Her interest in Japan and Japanese visual culture is reflected in her work both visually and thematically.
Since 2021, due to getting chronically ill Philo experimented with different forms of making art: she now also makes collage artwork mainly using material from her own art archive and found materials.
She would like to spend her time at Studio Kura with the following project: ‘’I would like to visualize the charm of everyday rural Japan in intimate personal work that tells a story; drawing, painting and writing about my experiences. Through the work I would like to open a dialogue in what it means to slow down, to live in harmony with your body and nature and what it is that truly makes your heart sing.
In 2020 I developed the chronic illness Long Covid after a covid infection. I would like to slow down in Itoshima, and experience the healing power of nature. This is also something I wish to convey through the work I make. In this way I hope my work can also be a message of comfort and hope to the many people that are struggling with their physical and mental health after a covid infection, or who have another chronic illness that impacts their freedom and every day and choice they make.