We are pleased to announce an exhibition “Forced Forgetting” by David McGovern on March 21(Sat.) & 22(Sun.), as a result of his activity during his stay at Studio Kura.
David McGovern is a video artist and educator based in Ireland. His workcentres on reflective, highly-personal moments; using moving image to explorethe ambiguity of the human condition. He operates between high-quality cinematic capture, and lo-fi experimental techniques.
An experimental sci-fi short that reflects on the tethers of remembering. The narrator recounts his daily ritual of forced forgetting, a self-imposed practice of banishing memories. His intention is to live a life free from an erratic mind. He offers the viewer the chance to experience a digital version of his forgetting technique. He warns you that this will erase your memory.

David McGovern “Forced Forgetting”
Exhibition style: Video essay
Date: March 21(Saturday) & 22(Sunday), 11:00 to 18:00.
Exhibition space: Kura Gallery
* We will hold an artist talk on 21st (Sat.), starting at 15:00.
* The exhibitions by other current residence artists will be held at the same periods.
* There is a workshop “Experimenting with video art” by David on March 22(Sun.), please click here for futher information.
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