Henri Cainglet

Henri Caingletはフィリピン出身で、母方の祖父母も芸術家でした。祖父は聖人や楽器の彫刻を、祖母はラフィア製品を作っていました。彼の創造性は家族から受け継がれています。

Henri Caingletは絵画や彫刻だけにとどまらず、素材との熱心な関わりを通して、従来の芸術素材や自然物を手による触覚的で動的なプロセスを経て新しいオリジナル作品へと変える、変革的なアーティストです。彼は実験的なアプローチを取り、作品の詩的な価値を絶えず変化させることで、芸術的な創造性と個人的な成長を促しています。彼にとって、同じことの繰り返しは、毎日マクドナルドで食事をすることと同じくらい退屈なことです。

1988年、彼はカリフォルニアのソノマ州立大学で先端的な絵画と粘土彫刻を学び、シンガポール国立美術館での個展を機に訪問アーティストとして招かれました。また、ニューヨークのアート・スチューデンツ・リーグで石彫を学びました。彼は想像力と技術を巧みに融合させ、素材から新たな可能性を見出し実現します。素材の使用においては、無駄になることはなく、全てが価値ある場所を見つけます。Henriは、フィリピンのアートシーンで最も重要な人物の一人として、その地位を確立しました。1997年には第9回トリエンナーレ・インディアでフィリピン代表として、また大阪トリエンナーレで「Perfumed Daydream」が永久コレクションとして購入されるなど、国際的な舞台で活躍しています。フロリダのアトランティックセンター・フォー・アーツや、マラサグ・エコパークでアーティスト・イン・レジデンスを務めるなど、数々の功績を持ちます。彼はニューヨーク、シアトル、サンフランシスコ、オークランド、アムステルダム、ベルリン、ウィーン、ニューデリー、シンガポール、マレーシア、ブルネイ、マニラなど世界各地で個展を開催しています。


Henri Cainglet, born in the Philippines who’s maternal grandparents are natural artists themselves, grandfa was a sculptor of saints and musical instruments while his grandma was a raffia weaver, his being artistically creative runs on his blood.

Cainglet is Not just a painter and sculptor but who is zestfully engaged with materials and his art in general is transformative in the sense that traditional art materials or natural objects are transformed through a tactile and kinetic manual process into a new and original work. Being an experimental artist, he constantly changes the poetic values of his work coz he strongly believed that it enhances artistic creativity as well as personal growth. To him,doing the same kinda stuffs is akin to eating everyday at McDonald’s which is kind of boring.

Cainglet studied advanced painting and clay sculpture at Sonoma State University in California in 1988 as a visiting artist, which was offered to him while having a solo exhibition at the National Museum of Singapore. He took up stone sculpture at the famous Art Students League of New York. The artist does art with a felicitous combination of imagination and dexterity. With his penetrating creativity, he is able to discover and bring to realization new possibilities in his materials, in his economy of mediums, nothing is ever lost or discarded, everything finds it’s place. Cainglet has shown he is one of the most important figure on the Philippines’ art scene. He represented the Philippines at the prestigious 9th Triennale India in New Delhi in 1997, he was one of two Philippine representative at Osaka Triennale for Painting in Osaka, Japan where his work titled Perfumed Daydream was bought as their permanent collection. He was one of the 5 Philippine representatives at the ASEAN Art Awards in Bangkok, Thailand in 1996. He was onced an artist in residence at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, an artist in residence at Malasag Eco Park, organized by the National Commission for Culture and Arts in 2002, to mention a few of his achievements. The artist has had solo shows in New York, Seattle, San Francisco, Oakland, Amsterdam’s Tropen Museum, Berlin, Vienna, New Delhi, Singapore’s National Museum, Malaysia’s National Art Gallery, Brunei and Manila’s s Ayala Museum.

Indeed, the artist could Not be ignored or belittle, being a very prolific and multi awarded international artist. He popularized soft sculpture in the Philippines.

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