Una Wiener,
Born in Vienna, lives in Napoli (Italy) and Vienna (Austria)
Writer, Author, Reporter, Flaneuse
I am boundlessly curious about the results of human interaction with nature, the (in)animate. I look for the crooked, the dwindling, the withered. I find beauty in decay, in weird- and strangeness as well as in reliably rooted patterns, structures, pairings.
Everyday I head out with my game bag and collect, I sieve, arrange, assemble, aiming to reproduce the wonders of my world as comprehensible aperçus, reflections and conclusions. I am the Serendipity Digest.
For some time now I work on a fiction called “The Japanese Shoe”, a road novel that encompasses the marvels of Japan in a setting of passion, murder mystery, traditional Yokai beliefs, culture clash and utter bewilderment. While I am attempting to manage and process the overload of impressions, Japan caught me currently as Haiku dilettante to give lustre to individual pictures from my photography sprees.